Monday, June 02, 2008

i'm incredibly attracted to e loneliness in ppl's eyes. haha. don't ask me why. melancholy, sadness and loneliness just gets my attention. shrugs. which is why ritsuka, soubi, hiro, nowaki, usagi, yuki and misaki gets me everytime -.- seriously. i don't think any show has gotten me this emotionally involved since greys. oh how i love junjou :DDDDD heheee.
too many hidden motives. unspoken hurting. hellos and goodbyes. forced smiles. aching hearts. its just too much. thank god i'm going away to italy on weds. need to get my mind off things, and some things that i really need to face, but haven't been able to. everything's gonna come slamming in my face when i go back. sighs. but nvm. escapism first (:


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